The Kirsten Project | Fana Sweaters of Norway

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Up next, another Norwegian influence (hint: all of Kirsten’s winter look is distinctively Norwegian!!): her woolen cardigan. This style of knit is called Fana and was very popular in the 1930s and, no surprise, the 1980s, when Kirsten’s collection was created. From a 1983 article by Ruth Robinson in the New York Times,

The Fana, a two-color design named for its place of origin in the Bergen district, has enjoyed a surge of popularity over the last two years. Distinguished by a broad band of rose motifs across the shoulder, a striped body and checkerboard square border at the bottom and cuffs, the Fana shows up in many colors, including gray, red, navy and brown, combined with white.”

I love that Kirsten’s sweater incorporates all of these elements without any compromise. Kirsten is wearing a Fana sweater! I was lucky enough to find a Pleasant Company girls’ Fana cardigan on eBay for myself but if I’m being honest, I would like to knit another one with modern shaping someday. For now, enjoy some of this Fana inspiration through the decades!

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